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Our Positive Bullet Diary just got bigger and better! We’ve revamped the bullet journal! All the goodies from the original are in there, but we’ve made a few changes so that you get the very best from this unique combination of diary and bullet journal. We created the Bullet to be an inspirational space to encourage you to be positive, productive and most of all creative. Research tells us that creativity helps reduce anxiety, depression and stress and that tied in with the fact that getting organised can help relieve some of the overwhelm that life in general can bring, means The Positive Bullet Diary is the perfect companion for anyone looking to support their mental health and wellbeing. This New Edition 12-month, undated bullet journal notebook is a little bigger than our original – it’s the same size as our Positive Free Writing Journal and Positive Doodle Diary. This increase in size has allowed us to redesign the weekly pages, leaving much more space for you to get creative with lists, habit tracking, gratituding, collaging and even mini vision boards. The Positive Bullet Diary is a fantastic space to organise your day-to-day life and let your creativity run wild! It’s also great to use with either The Positive Planner or The Positive Wellness Journal to help support a true self-care and wellbeing mindset.

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